I'm scared....scared out of my freaking mind and there's no better way to put it. I have been OP or even UP every day this week. The amount of water I drink almost makes it hard for me to function at work, and the amount of fruits and veggies I eat have almost doubled. My portions are extremely smaller and from afar (or even upclose) for that matter it looks like everything is going right...
WRONG!!! HERE'S THE ISSUE...I JUST FEEL HEAVIER!!! Last friday I had a light breakfast and a glass of water and right before my 3 lb. loss weigh in I felt like a complete piggy. So I can't tell if I'm winning or losing until I get on the scale because I just feel this constant weird fullness...even if I eat a kiwifruit and 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and a water I get that same horrendous nagging fullness I experienced when I'd overindulge on a double bacon burger and fries.....is this normal?? My biggest fear is getting on that scale and having a gain. And right now my body isn't a good indicator of whats going on.