Friday, June 26, 2009

a moment to reflect and a little self-love...

Let's get something straight I love Valecia as is. The princess that I am is something that has been cultivated over the past 27 almost 28 years. I am the woman I am based upon my experiences and I am far more than what I look like on the outside. I have taken a moment to reflect on my mind, body and soul and I realized that I am not as healthy as I would like to be. However that does not mean that I don't love myself. So many people are waiting to fall in love with themselves after they lose 20, 50, or 100 pounds. Weight loss is such a job within itself with so many setbacks that at any given time someone can possibly fail. Does that mean you have failed at loving yourself as well??? If so that is soooo SAD. I will love myself at this 255 as i did at 275 and as I will at goal weight (whatever that may be). And hopefully all others in this struggle will feel the same as well. This beauty......


are two quite gorgeous non skinny actually downright beautiful women that both happen to be named Whitney, but most importantly are plus size models. These are women that I look up to on this journey to healthy-ness. Beautiful, capable, bodies. That's what I want. I don't feel I'm made to be 130 pounds and I will NOT beat myself up if I don't obtain. I'm busy loving myself on this journey....and I hope you're doing the same.


  1. Jessusss, they are PLUS size? I hate that definition. The only "plus" I see about them is how they are plus GORGEOUS.

  2. I'm glad that you "Got" this at your age (I know that sounds so old of me) but it's true.
    When I was 27 I was gorgeous but didn't realize it at all. I still don't have the self-love you do at almost 49 but I'm getting there.
    A confident woman is a beautiful woman, no matter her size.
    And that confidence you possess spills right off your blog pages!
    And thank you for love, love, loving the list :)

  3. You really are just fabulous. You already know I'm a plus sized girl myself at 255 and a size 18 and I too love myself. I do remember being an almost size 24 though...I didn't like myself much then but I do now. I could stay this size forever and be 100% content with myself, body and soul. My goal is to be a size clue what weight that would be. And like you, if I never get there then so be it. I'm one who doesn't base beauty on size...thin women and the not so thin are all beautiful in my eyes. I personally think that beauty is as beauty does which has nothing to do with size but more on the way people are.

    I'm rambling...sorry! But you are amazing :)

  4. i love this post. those two women are stunning! they are real and fabulous role models for young women. I totally agree, if your not happy to begin with you probably won't be too much happier after loosing weight. we have to love ourselves just the way god made us :)

  5. Great blog! Erhmmm, them are plus size? They look like 2 beautiful average sized women to me. Maybe I'm blind...

  6. Great post! I need to love myself...and do at times...just not all the time! Need to work on that!

    Those girls don't look plus size to me!
    Thanks for following! ;O)
